Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What The Hell, California? And Arkansas, You're on Notice!

SPOILER ALERT: This is going to be a rant.

Why in the name of all that is logical and ethical did Prop 8...????? When will religion be taken out of these legislative equations? I know that it is "up to the people to decide," etc. etc., but if you are going to vote to give chickens more legroom (Prop 2), how are you going to give humans less rights?

I understand, every individual has their own right to vote their own way, to have any logic behind their choice, blah blah blah... But really? Is this Constitutional? Because the Bible says it's wrong? Really? Frankly, I don't care if you want to marry a goat, a man, a woman, a man who dresses like a woman, a woman with a beard and a pegleg, a man trapped in the body of a game show host... I just don't see why anyone cares at this point. But then again, my philosophy tends towards "as long as you don't shoot/stab me or try to take away my rights and you pay your taxes...I'm fine with long as it's ethical!!" If I have to suffer through marriage, everyone should be able to, and if someone is not allowed, I don't think I should be allowed either. Equality, it's pretty simple.

And as for Arkansas, what a bunch of limitless twits. To say that a child is better off with no parents than two who happen to have like genitals, but happen to love the child? Really? Of course, this seems like a group who think individuals choose to be gay. Yeah, cause that seems like so much fun to deal with. Yes, please, I'd like to be treated like a second class citizen for the duration because I just can't get down with social norms! That's ridiculous and I am ashamed to even be blogging about this atrocity.

I am sure I will come back later and think this entry was curtailed by my suspicion that I would be in trouble for cursing in a school assignment, or maybe by the sleeping pill fog from last night trying to sleep within the 10026 zip code.... Whatever it is, the following video will make it all seem logical because it is said by someone who rants far better than I do.

Lewis Black, "Red, White & Screwed"

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