Wednesday, November 19, 2008

LMS Post ~ Daschle to Be Nominee for Health Post in Obama Cabinet

This is the first real big position thrown out there for the new cabinet:

Personally, I had hoped this would go to Senator Hillary Clinton, however, time to read up on this guy....

Daschle to Be Nominee for Health Post in Obama Cabinet
Published: November 19, 2008

WASHINGTON — President-elect Barack Obama will nominate former Senator Thomas A. Daschle of South Dakota as secretary of health and human services, and is leaning toward former Deputy Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. as attorney general, people close to the transition said Wednesday.


Democratic sources said Mr. Daschle has accepted the job. But aides to Mr. Obama said a formal announcement would not be made until after the national security and economic teams were unveiled. Mr. Obama’s transition team did announce Wednesday that Mr. Daschle will oversee the new president’s health policy working group.

Mr. Daschle was initially considered for White House chief of staff, but Mr. Obama chose instead to name Representative Rahm Emanuel of Chicago. If confirmed, Mr. Daschle could end up being the point man on any efforts to overhaul the country’s health care delivery and insurance system, a tall order, health policy experts say, because of the current economic situation.


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