Friday, November 7, 2008

Policy Proposal Group Project

Group work makes me cranky like a kindergartner who needs to be diagnosed with OCD and given a nap space with no other children snoozing within earshot. But I digress, for some reason forgotten to me now (likely OCD), I volunteered to choose the template and compile everyone's slides for our class this Tuesday to make them cohesive, so here are the two unique slides I made. Those that I edited, compiled, or created for others and as the title page are not included.

Originally I had done policy proposals for an newly elected NYC official, but I have since changed it to a closer look at Obama's energy policies surrounding the automotive industry and alternative fuels. What he had to begin with is certainly a great start and very ambitious, however, if you are going to push for better, best to overshoot in your demands, in my opinion. Corporations have historically shown that by and large they will achieve the lowest common denominator.

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